This week is your breakthrough. Your current issue will be resolved. Ah-ha moments are rare, so congrats.
Guilt poisons. If you've apologized for a past mistake, let it go.
We all do foolish things, but if you evolve, it doesn't define you.
This week, unwind. Mind and body. If you want to do something extreme, wait till next week. Not now.
You're burdened this week. You’ve taken on a lot, including someone else’s baggage, and it’s now getting to you.
You're burdened this week. You’ve taken on a lot, including someone else’s baggage, and it’s now getting to you.
Your week is hard. The 3 of Swords represents anguish, heartbreak, and loss—nothing nice.
Your week is hard. The 3 of Swords represents anguish, heartbreak, and loss—nothing nice.
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