As Chiron moves backwards through the zodiac sign of Aries on July 23, 

Consider every setback imposed by the cosmos to be an opportunity in disguise

In the midst of a week filled with significant astrological happenings, today provides an alternative viewpoint

on what you are being directed to concentrate on before you can advance in all of the ways that you crave.

Although working with this energy may require some dedication on your part,

it also contains the self-assurance and motivation you need to make the most of everything been through and convert it into gold.

Consider every setback imposed by the cosmos to be an opportunity in disguise

In the midst of a week filled with significant astrological happenings, today provides an alternative viewpoint

you'veis a key link between healing and manifesting.

now is the moment to completely heal so you may step into your fate and the new period the Nodes promise.